Monday, February 8, 2016

Week #81 2-8-16

Companions & Jace!

Standing on frozen river!

Hey everyone!! How are you all doing? So things have been freaking crazy this past week! I feel like it has been like four weeks though! Covering four wards is nuts! But we are making it work! It takes lots of planning and cunning craftiness to make this all work, but we got it! This has probably been one of the most fun weeks though! We have been laughing so much and its just a great time! So we are living out of two houses! One in Marsing and One in Homedale! It feels like we are on exchanges 24/7 because we are always packing our bags!! But we have a lot of work to do which is really good! Also, just a little side note, don't move to Marsing unless you are willing to blow a lot of money on a water filter. It smells like rotten eggs! Its awful! But this is how our week went!

Tuesday- We got our haircuts and I feel fat. Then we had to do a lot of planning getting things worked out for the week! Oh also Jace took us on an adventure!

Wednesday morning we had a lesson with this family who... well it's a long story. The mother was in jail so the baby was with an elderly couple while she was in jail. But she is out now living with the elderly couple so she can have her baby back and she has a boyfriend! So they aren't members, but they want to get baptized! They said they if they came to know the truth that they would get baptized and it was just a super awesome lesson! Then later that afternoon we met " The Gang"! Haha I don't even know how to explain them. They could probably have their own T.V. show, but its basically a bunch of people in an apartment complex who are really close! Anyway, we made a bet with them that if the Broncos win the super bowl then they have to come to church for two months straight... and guess what. THE BRONCOS WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO that is awesome! But in the gang there are a few people. But on of them is named D, and she is 17 years old! She comes to church when she can and is pretty golden. I think she is just scared of giving up her old life! But we are gonna get her dunked! Then Wednesday night we had a lesson with this kid named A who is pretty solid. He went up to a girl in the ward who he didn't really know and asked if he could go to church with them and then the rest is history. He is gonna get baptized in March so we are pumped for that!

Thursday- Thursday was a pretty slow day.

Well that was pretty much my week! Thanks for all the support and love! You guys are the best!

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