Monday, December 7, 2015

Week #72 12/7/15

Hey everyone! This week was really good. We had a lot of fun and did a lot of service! We helped a lady in the ward rip up her old floor and put in some cabinets! That was really fun it makes me really miss working! But man was I sore afterwards. Maybe I should start working out or something.

We also got our first snow this week. It kinda sucked but I kind of enjoyed it since I was in a car, unlike last year! But it melted the next day because it was in the 40's!!! I never thought I would say the 40's felt so good! It had been in the teens for the past week and so when forty rolled around I broke out a short sleeve shirt! It was nice! Also the fog here in the mornings is crazy! My picture kinda sucks but I tried!

So funny story time (a little crude)! We were in a lesson with a recently returning member and she had some Christmas music playing in the back ground so she couldn't here us very well. But as we were sitting there talking to her, Elder Huff decides it is a fantastic time to let the lion hiding in his butt roar! Man was it a good fart. But Since we were in a lesson I was instantly mad/ confused/ disgusted/ impressed. And I think I gave him the glare of the century. But trying to keep the spirit in the room I ignored it and continued to talk to this lady. No later then 30 seconds he rips another one. Now I was kinda upset because he didn't even try to hold that one in! So I just let go again because she had the music on so she didn't here it! So we are wrapping the lesson up and some how we get on the topic of pulling pranks in high school. She then confessed to us how she and her aunt put a fart machine in the couch and it wasn't elder Huff! So we decided next week we are gonna invite a member to the lesson and see how she reacts! So stay tuned!

Also cool spirit testimony builder story of the week! So at district meeting we were talking about our problems with investigators and stuff like that. The sisters were talking about this girl whose desire to get baptized was sincere and true, but she wasn't keeping commitments so we all said to just drop it. But then I remembered a story about President Monson when he was an apostle! He was in Tonga speaking to and elementary school and while he was sitting there he felt the prompting to shake everyone's hand. He checked his watch and thought about what he had planned, and he decided he didn't have the time, and he gave his talk and sat down. But then again he got the same prompting to shake everyone's and so just before the closing prayer he announced that he was gonna shake everyone's hand and the kids were really excited. After that , one of the Local leaders approached President Monson and asked if he wanted to know why he felt the prompting to shake everyone's hand, and of course his answer was yes. He proceeded to tell President Monson that those little kids have been praying ever since they found out he was coming that they would get the chance to shake an apostle of the Lord's hand.

Anyways the reason I told you this is because I felt like we needed to pray for the sisters investigator. So we dedicated the closing prayer to her and had the faith that her heart would be softened! Then the next week I saw the sisters and they told us how the girl totally did a 180 and started to keep the commitments! I know that the power of prayer works not only personally but as a group as well! I love you guys and hope life doesn't suck for ya!

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