Monday, July 20, 2015

Week #51 7-13-15

District Meeting


So this week with Elder Hall has been awesome! He is such a good guy and we get along really well! I love him! This transfer is going to be a good one!

Tuesday- So Tuesday was an okay day! We tried a lot of people, but a lot of them didn't answer or didn't have time to talk to us. We got in with a less active family who is super cool! She likes feeding us and it is really awesome! She went to culinary school so she is bomb! Then after that we went and visited this old less active guy who uses his sickness as a crutch for not coming! haha but he reads the ensign each month and watches general conference and is really up to date on church news so he is pretty cool!

Wednesday- was  a really good day! We went out with a member and visited four or five people! Then that night we went out with the WML and went and visited a couple of people. One of them being a nine year old girl whose name is Maralee who wants to get BAPTIZED!!! So that was cool! Funny story, so Wednesday morning we were leaving and I couldn't find the card that allows me to sign into the black box on the car! Usually I just leave it in the side pocket of the car, but I couldn't find it! So we back tracked our entire day! We drove around for like an hour and a half looking for it! But the last house we checked, Elder Hall found it in the side pocket of the door! I was so mad! That is my funny story!

Thursday- Another day of a lot of people not being home! We visited this recent convert who has been struggling with smoking. When we got there the first thing she told us was that she got Smoking patches and was freaking out about it so hopefully that will go good! Her name is Shelly so keep her in your prayers! Then we had sports night with the youth that night! We played ultimate Frisbee and it was really funny! We got eaten alive by Mosquitos! It was awesome!

Friday- We had zone meeting and it was really boring! Missionary meetings are either really fun or there are gosh awful! This one happened to be gosh awful! haha That was all that happened on friday!

Saturday- Elder Hall was sick:(

Sunday- We had our first lesson with Maralee and it was really cool! We were asking her questions and she knew all the answers! I guess she has sat in on the lessons like three times so she has them down! She is really smart when it comes to the gospel for a nine year old! And it was really easy to teach her! 

Anyways, that is all I got! Love you guys! So does God!!

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